Dominican Cigar Fest 2024: a three-day celebration of the tobacco industry. The Tobacco and Cigar Industry will celebrate the third edition of the “Dominican Cigar Fest” from November 8 to 10, 2024, in Tamboril, the World Cigar Capital. This three-day event will feature a variety of activities, bringing together members of the entire tobacco production chain and thousands of cigar enthusiasts. The festival aims to promote the culture of tobacco, celebrate Dominican heritage, and unite an economic sector that significantly contributes to the country’s growth and employment. The “Dominican Cigar Fest” serves as a global showcase for small and medium-sized tobacco and cigar producers. It has become one of the most important annual events in the industry, held in the Villa de Los Samanes, the home of poet and cigar aficionado Tomás Hernández Franco. Organized by the Dominican Cigar and Tobacco Association (Adocitab), which represents over 80 percent of the country’s producers, the festival celebrates tobacco culture with participation from various national and international companies.
Dominican Cigar Fest 2024: a three-day celebration of the tobacco industry