Bahamas-produced TV show Goombay Kids wins Asian Film Award. An Asian film festival has awarded the 2022 Best Television Award to Bahamas-produced Goombay Kids. The show is making rounds in festivals from Canada to England to Russia and an American film festival reviewer ranked the origin of Junkanoo episode five out of five for highlighting culture. The honours are a first for a Bahamas television production. The groundbreaking educational show was created by Stephanie Nihon who was ecstatic to share the news on New Year’s Day. Nihon, who films the show on location, presenting Atlantis, The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas, the Pirate Museum, stunning islands and even Junkanoo to the world. Supervising producer of Goombay Kids is Rowena Poitier-Sutherland, niece of legendary Bahamian-American actor Sir Sidney Poitier. She is also the force behind the leading film and acting school in the Caribbean, the Bahamas Artist Movement and the former Executive Director of the Ministry of Culture. Serving as the senior producer is Leslie Ellis-Tynes known as the star and producer of the hit Bahamian talk show The Stew.