The Heads of State and Government of the ALBA-TCP meeting in Havana approved a Declaration of the XXII Summit, in commemoration of the 18th anniversary of the founding of the integration mechanism.
The document entitled “18 years of unity and commitment to Latin American and Caribbean integration”, ratifies the commitment of the Member States with the strengthening of ALBA-TCP as an instrument of union of our peoples based on the principles of solidarity, social justice, cooperation and economic complementarity, the result of the political will of its founders, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and Commander Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías.
The Declaration highlights the need to strengthen the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) as a genuine mechanism for dialogue and political agreement that brings together the 33 States of Our America, based on the principle of unity in diversity.
Reiterates ALBA-TCP’s commitment to the development and well-being of nations, as well as to the defense of national sovereignty without external interference; at the same time that rejects the postulates of the Monroe Doctrine, of a colonizing and interventionist nature used to justify destabilizing and interventionist actions in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The ALBA-TCP countries claim the national dignity of our peoples and the emancipatory ideology of the forefathers and founding fathers of Latin America and the Caribbean, and support the right of Caribbean countries to receive fair, special, and differential treatment; as well as reaffirms the support for their just claims and reparations for the damages of the native genocide, colonialism and slavery.
In the Declaration, the Member States of the regional mechanism affirm that climate financing, technology transfer and the means of capacity development are obligations and commitments of developed countries due to their historical responsibility for environmental degradation, unsustainable patterns of production and consumption of capitalism and the unjust international economic order that perpetuates inequality, poverty and underdevelopment.
For this reason, they call for speedy compliance with the commitments in this area, in particular with the decision to establish a Loss and Damage Fund for Vulnerable Countries, adopted at the COP27 on Climate Change, held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, recently.
They also highlight the importance of safeguarding the components of biodiversity and guaranteeing the integrity of all ecosystems, to advance in the inclusive and transparent multilateral dialogue towards a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth and the convening of the Assembly of the Land.

Later, the document approved in Havana reaffirms the rejection of the ALBA-TCP countries to the destabilizing plans and actions promoted by powerful external factors and national oligarchies, who have succeeded or attempt to ignore the will of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, expressed democratically and legitimately at the polls.
They denounce the use of unconventional warfare strategies against the governments and democratically elected leaders of the region using the use of politically motivated judicial processes and without legal support (lawfare), to destroy political and ideological rivals.
They condemn the manipulation for political and destabilizing purposes of human rights propaganda and disinformation campaigns, the malicious use of information and communication technologies, cyber-attacks, among other methods that harm the sovereignty and will of the people.
In this sense, they express their firmest rejection of the politically motivated legal actions against the fellow vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, a key leader in the integration processes of Latin America and the Caribbean.
In addition, they express their support for President Luis Arce Catacora and the Bolivian people against destabilizing attempts and recognition of their determination to defend the process of the democratic and cultural Revolution.
They reiterate their solidarity with President Daniel Ortega Saavedra and the brave Nicaraguan people in the face of permanent harassment, the unilateral coercive measures applied, the disinformation campaigns, and the interventionist actions of the government of the United States of America against Nicaraguan sovereignty.
They salute the historic signing of the Second Partial Agreement for the Protection of the Venezuelan People, as well as the broad dialogue and agreements promoted by President Nicolás Maduro with the different factors of political opposition that corroborate the value of Bolivarian Peace Diplomacy in favor of the well-being of the Venezuelans.
At the same time, reject the imposition of criminal and illegal unilateral coercive measures, in violation of human rights, the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and International Law and they advocate the immediate lifting of such measures that hinder the right to commercial and economic exchange with other States and impede the right to development.
The ALBA-TCP countries once again stress to the government of the United States, a change in its hostile policy towards Cuba that contemplates the immediate and unconditional end of the blockade economic, commercial and financial; the cessation of subversive, illegal and covert actions, including those that use information and communication technologies, which violate the sovereignty and right of peoples to self-determination.
Likewise, advocate for the end of the absurd and unjustified inclusion of Cuba in the spurious and arbitrary list of State sponsors of terrorism of the US State Department.
They also reiterate ALBA-TCP’s strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
They also express the solidarity of the group with the Peruvian people, who have been affected by a serious prolonged institutional crisis. Which has generated a series of events that threatens the stability and well-being of the majority.
“We reject the political framework created by the right-wing forces of that country against the constitutional president Pedro Castillo, forcing him to take measures that were later used by his adversaries in parliament to remove him; We repudiate the repression by the forces of order against the Peruvian people who defend a government elected at the polls and we call for dialogue, understanding and the sanity of all the political, economic and social actors of the Republic of Peru, just as we raise our voice so that the fundamental rights of this brotherly people are guaranteed ”, the document says.
The text approved this Wednesday in Havana also reaffirms the Declaration of the III Extraordinary Meeting of the Political Council, held on September 26, 2013, in New York City, and, in this sense, we confirm the importance of ALBA – TCP maintains the agreement and defense of inclusive multilateralism in multilateral spaces and forums.
The ALBA-TCP countries urge international solidarity with the Republic of Haiti, through cooperation mechanisms and transfer of resources and technologies, on the basis of full respect for the sovereignty and self-determination of that brotherly people.
They also welcome the reinstatement of the peace talks table between the Government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN).in which two ALBA-TCP member states act as guarantors and alternative venues.
They also congratulate the people of Grenada, the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, and the Commonwealth of Dominica for their successful election days.
The Heads of State and Government thanked Sacha Llorentty Solíz for the work carried out at the head of the ALBA-TCP Executive Secretariat and reiterated their best wishes for success in his new duties.
They also welcome the appointment of Ambassador Félix Plasencia González, as the new Executive Secretary of ALBA-TCP, wishing him every success in his management, to continue developing the revitalization of ALBA-TCP as a mechanism for union, for the fight for peace, the democracy, stability and well-being of the peoples of Our America. (