Grupo Hotelero Islazul
Barceló Solymar
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Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso de Cuba

Cuba Firmly Denounces US Criminal Measures at United Nations



Los Portales
Realidad Turística
AVA Resorts
Grupo Hotelero Islazul
Cervecería Centroamericana S.A.
Servicios Médicos Cubanos
Instituto Hondureño de Turismo
Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso de Cuba

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez strongly denounced that over the past few months, the United States has implemented criminal and non-conventional measures to hinder fuel supplies to the Caribbean island from several markets. In those actions, Rodriguez noted. Washington has resorted to threats and persecution of the fuel-carrying companies, the governments of registration and flags, shipping enterprises and insurance firms.

As a result, we have faced serious difficulties to guarantee fuel supplies for the country’s daily activities, Rodriguez said at the high-level debate of the United Nations General Assembly.

According to the diplomat, this situation has forced Cuba to take temporary emergency measures that are ‘only possible in an organized country, with a united and friendly people, willing to defend themselves from foreign aggression and to preserve the social justice achieved.’

Rodriguez noted that over the past year, the Government of the United States has increased its hostile actions and blockade against Cuba qualitatively.

‘It has imposed additional obstacles to foreign trade and has increased the persecution of our banking-financial relations with the rest of the world. It has extremely limited travels and any interaction between the two peoples. It hinders ties and contacts of Cubans who live in the United States with their homeland,’ he pointed out.

The head of Cuban diplomacy stated that the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed nearly 60 years ago continues to be the main obstacle to the country’s development. He pointed out that the illegal Helms-Burton Act, whose Title III was activated by Washington this year, ‘guides the US aggressive conduct against Cuba’.

Rodriguez charged that the Donald Trump administration, as a pretext for its actions, blames Cuba for the failure of its plan to overthrow the Venezuelan Government by force, while it attacks the international medical cooperation programs that Cuba shares with dozens of developing countries.

He also warned that during that period, there have been the most blatant threats and blackmails, as well as immoral invitations for Cuba to betray its principles and international commitments in exchange for oil under preferential conditions and dubious friendships.

The economic aggression, however hard it is, the threats and blackmails will not extract a single concession from us, he assured.

The Foreign Minister pointed out that even under the current circumstances, Cuba will not renounce the will to develop a civilized relationship with the United States, based on mutual respect and recognition of the deep differences.

‘We know that this is our people’s wish, and the sentiment shared by most of the US people and Cubans who live in that country,’ Rodriguez stressed.

The lifting of the blockade against Cuba, which has been imposed by the United States for nearly 60 years, is a persistent call and a shared wish of the majority of the international community.

Several speakers at the high-level segment of the United Nations General Assembly have condemned the policy, including leaders from some African countries.

More than 40 countries condemned the United States blockade against Cuban and expressed their solidarity with the Caribbean island during the high-level segment of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

According to the Cuban Mission to the UN, 43 States from different continents demanded the lifting of blockade, which Washington has imposed for nearly 60 years and which has caused damages of 922.63 billion dollars to the island during that period.

On October 1st a Cuban Foreign Ministry top official rejected the US decision to deny visa to a medical delegation of the island meant to attend a forum of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO).

The General Director of the US Office in the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Carlos Fernandez de Cossio, described the measure announced on Monday by the Department of State as another aggression to the Caribbean island.

‘The US Department of State does it again. Practicing its foreign policy’s coercive measures, the only one it is capable of doing,’ Fernandez de Cossio posted on Twitter.

‘Illegitimate visa restrictions meant to attack Cuba. The recognized international medical cooperation shows a US policy in moral bankruptcy,’ the diplomat wrote.

‘The US Department of State lacks understanding in the moral values related to solidarity and loyalty,’ Fernandez de Cossio stated.

The Cuban medical staff is working in 67 countries, in addition, it is training thousands of physicians from 138 nations. (Periodico Digital Centroamericano y del Caribe)

Original Source: PL

Servicios Médicos Cubanos
Grupo Hotelero Islazul
Los Portales
Cervecería Centroamericana S.A.
Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso de Cuba
Instituto Hondureño de Turismo
Realidad Turística
AVA Resorts
CUN-HAV Enjoy Travel Group
Banco GyT
Barceló Solymar
MAD-HAV Enjoy Travel Group
Barcelo Guatemala City
Henkel Latinoamerica
Hotel Holiday Inn Guatemala
Revista Colombiana de Turismo Passport
Blue Diamond Resorts
La Ruta de Hemingway
Hotel Barcelo Solymar

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Banco GyT
Grupo Hotelero Islazul
Los Portales
AVA Resorts
Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso de Cuba
Barceló Solymar
Servicios Médicos Cubanos
Instituto Hondureño de Turismo
MAD-HAV Enjoy Travel Group
Cervecería Centroamericana S.A.
Realidad Turística