The agencies, funds and programs of the United Nations system are currently affected in their work due to the US blockade against Cuba, according to a report by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterrres.
The UN top leader’s report on this issue is published each year under the heading ‘Need to End the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade Imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.’
Such document covers the contribution of 160 member States of multilateral organizations, including the European Union.
In addition, it brings together information from 34 international organizations and agencies, funds and programs of the United Nations system on how the blockade affects Cuba, including in relation to those entities.
For example, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) new measures have been recently adopted to continue tightening the US restrictions against Cuba, especially by enforcing all the provisions of the known Helms-Burton Law.
In April 2019, that agency refers in its contribution to the Secretary General’s report, the United States imposed sanctions on companies that were engaged in transporting oil from Venezuela to Cuba.
Months later, UNCTAD adds, in June 2019, Washington restricted non-family travels to the island and in September 2019, the US put a cap on the amount of remittances and prohibited transactions in dollars through third-party financial institutions.
Meanwhile, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) points out that US restrictions on the procurement of essential supplies and the rise in transaction costs affect the efficiency of its work. (